Your personal information 

This privacy policy explains how I collect and process your personal data. Personal data, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. This includes information that you tell me, what I learn from you and the choices you make about the marketing you want me to send to you. This policy explains how I do this, what your rights are and how the law protects you. 

I do not knowingly collect data relating to children.

  1. Who I am and how you can contact me

I am Alyssia Feldman of 10 Elm Walk, London, NW37UP, trading as AF.  

You can contact me by email at 

  1. Where I collect your personal information from 

I may collect personal information about you in the following ways (including but not limited to): 

Data you give to me:

  • Data you give to me when you register to use my services

  • When you talk to me  through  electronic means (such as email, phone, virtually or social media) 

  • When you give me feedback 

  • Feedback forms

  • When you purchase exercise classes from my website

  • When you purchase sessions or packages from me directly

Data I collect when you use my services

  • Transaction data

  • Your name and contact details which includes your email address, purchase history and your phone number if you provide it.

Data from third parties

  • Social networks

  • Public information sources

  1. Data I collect about you 

I may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you which I have grouped together as follows (including but not limited to): 

Identity data – name, title, date of birth and gender 

Contact data – billing address, email address, telephone numbers or other contact data required for a session to be held by electronic means (such as your username on a particular platform)

Transaction data – details about payments to and from you and other details of services you have purchased from me

Emergency contact data – name and contact telephone number of your emergency contact person

Feedback- feedback on sessions (questionnaire/forms etc)

Marketing and communications data – your preferences in receiving marketing from me, 

  1. How I use your personal information 

Your privacy is protected by law. 

I am only allowed to use personal information about you if I have a legal basis to do so, and I am required to tell you what that legal basis is. I have set out in the table below: the personal information which I collect from you, how I use it, and the legal ground on which I rely when I use the personal information.  

In some circumstances I can use your personal information if it is in my legitimate interest to do so, provided that I have told you what that legitimate interest is. A legitimate interest is when I have a business or commercial reason to use your information which, when balanced against your rights, is justifiable. If I am relying on my legitimate interests, I have set that out in the table below. 

What I use your personal information for

What personal information I collect 

My legal grounds for processing

My legitimate interests (if applicable)

To register you as a new customer 

  • Identity data

  • Contact data

  • Emergency contact data

  • Par-q registration forms

  • Performance of my contract with you

To provide the online  exercise classes to you

  • Identity data

  • Contact data

  • Performance of my contract with you

  • Your explicit consent 

To manage my relationship with you

  • Identity data

  • Transaction data

  • Legitimate interest

To keep my records up-to-date

To make suggestions and recommendations to you about goods or services that may be of interest to you, and deliver advertisements to you in relation to these

  • Identity data

  • Contact data

  • Marketing and communications data

  • Legitimate interest

To grow my business and keep you informed of offers and goods/ services that may interest you

To advertise my business

  • Identity data

  • Marketing and communications data

  • Legitimate interest

To grow my business 

For my professional development and training

  • Marketing and communications data

  • Legitimate interest

  • Your explicit consent

To ensure I am providing you with a quality service

  1. Who I share your personal information with 

I may share your personal information with any of the following organisations, for the purposes of providing the services which you have requested from me: 

  • External service providers (acting as data processors) that provide applications/functionality, data processing or IT services to me. For example, I use Hotmail for any email correspondence

  • Social media platforms if you agree to this (e.g testimonials)

You can find details of how these third parties use your personal information by looking at their privacy policies, all of which should be available on the relevant websites, or on request. 

I require all organisations who I share your data with to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. I do not allow any of my service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with my instructions.

  1. Failing to provide personal data 

Where I need to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of a contract I have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, then you may not be able to set up a user account and you may be unable to purchase and access the exercise classes. 

  1. Transferring your personal information outside the UK 

If I transfer your personal information outside the UK  I have to tell you.  

I will only send your data outside the UK: 

  • If you have instructed me to do so 

  • To comply with a legal duty

If I do transfer your personal information outside the UK, I will make sure that it is protected in the same way as if it was being used in the UK.

Whenever I transfer your personal data out of the UK, I will ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented: 

  • I will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data. 

  • If I use certain service providers, I may use specific contracts approved in the UK which give personal data the same protection it has in the UK. 

Be aware that certain providers (including those mentioned in paragraph 5 above) may be located in or have facilities that are located in a different jurisdiction or outside the UK. So if you choose to proceed with a transaction or an action that involves the services of or data sharing to a third-party, then your information may become subject to the laws of the jurisdiction in which that service provider or its facilities are located.


  1. Data security

I have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, I limit access to your personal data to those agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on my instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

I have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator (including the ICO) of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

  1. How long do I keep your personal information 

I will keep and process your personal information for as long as necessary to meet the purposes for which it was originally collected.

After you stop being a customer, because you have stopped regularly using my services, I may keep your personal information after you stop being a customer for one of the following reasons: 

  • To respond to any questions or complaints from you

  • To maintain my records

  • To comply with laws applicable to me

  1. Marketing 

I may use your personal information to tell you about relevant goods or services and any upcoming offers.  

I can only use your personal information to send you marketing messages if I have either your consent or a legitimate interest to do so.  

You can ask me to stop sending you marketing messages at any time – you just need to contact me. 

I will get your express opt-in consent before I share your personal data with any company for marketing purposes. You can ask a third party company to stop sending you marketing messages at any time, by adjusting your marketing preferences in relation to that company or by using the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you.

Where you opt out of receiving marketing messages, this will not apply to personal data provided to me as a result of purchasing my services or any other transaction between you and I. 

  1. Your rights 

You have certain rights which are set out in the law relating to your personal information.  The most important rights are set out below. 

Getting a copy of the information I hold 

You can ask me for a copy of the personal information which I hold about you, by writing to me at  This is known as a data subject access request. 

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data, unless I believe that your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive.  In such circumstances I can charge a reasonable fee or refuse to comply with your request. 

I will try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take me longer than a month and in that case I will notify you and keep you updated. 

Telling me if information I hold is incorrect 

You have the right to question any information I hold about you that you think is wrong or incomplete.  Please contact me at if you want to do this and I will take reasonable steps to check its accuracy and, if necessary, correct it. 

Telling me if you want me to stop using your personal information

You have the right to: 

  • object to my use of your personal information (known as the right to object); or

  • ask me to delete the personal information (known as the right to erasure); or 

  • request the restriction of processing; or

  • ask me to stop using it if there is no need for me to use it (known as the right to be forgotten). 

There may be legal reasons why I need to keep or use your data, which I will tell you if you exercise one of the above rights. 

Withdrawing consent

You can withdraw your consent to me using your personal information at any time. Please contact me at  if you want to withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, I may not be able to provide you with certain services. 

Request a transfer of data 

You may ask me to transfer your personal information to a third party. This right only applies to automated information which you initially provided consent for me to use or where I used the information to perform a contract with you. 

  1. Making a complaint 

Please let me know if you are unhappy with how I have used your personal information by contacting me at 

You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can find their contact details at I would be grateful for the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO, so please contact me in the first instance.